Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Laman St Trees

Tonight (17 November 2009), the majority of councillors voted to cut down all the Laman St trees.

Here's an extract from the minutes of the meeting.


a Councillors participate in a community design process using place making principles to inform the Civic Cultural Precinct Laman Street design during December 2009- March 2010.

b Council adopts a whole-of-street replacement strategy for the Civic Cultural Precinct Laman Street to be commenced in 4th quarter 2009-10 financial year after the adoption of street design for the Precinct.


Council notes the arborists' report, particularly Appendix B that rates five (5) of the Laman Street trees as having a SULE risk of 4 (meaning up to a 5 year life) and nine (9) of the Laman Street trees as having a SULE risk of 3 (meaning between a 5 and 15 year life).

Council convene a Civic Cultural Precinct Laman Street Trees working party, comprising councillors, community members, Councl staff and relevant experts, to develop a community design process using place making principles.

That the working party receive a public briefing paper outlining a range of risk management approaches for the Laman Street trees with the view to retaining the trees for as long as practicably possible. Such briefing paper to come back to council for placement on public exhibition for public comment prior to consideration of the paper by the working party.

At this stage of the meeting, the time being, 7.00pm, the Lord Mayor proposed that the meeting adjourn in order to hold dinner and commence the advertised Council Meeting by 8.00pm.

MOTION: (The Lord Mayor)

The meeting adjourn for its scheduled dinner break.

The procedural motion was put to the meeting and declared defeated.

Following further discussion the amendment was put to the meeting and Councillor Osborne called for a division which resulted as follows:

For the amendment:
Councillors S Claydon, T Crakanthorp, N Nelmes and M Osborne.
Against the amendment: The Lord Mayor, Councillors G Boyd, A Buman, B Cook, M King, B Luke and S Sharpe.

The amendment was declared defeated on the division of four votes to seven votes.

The motion was then put to the meeting and declared carried.

a Councillors participate in a community design process using place making principles to inform the Civic Cultural Precinct Laman Street design during December 2009- March 2010.

b Council adopts a whole-of-street replacement strategy for the Civic Cultural Precinct Laman Street to be commenced in 4th quarter 2009-10 financial year after the adoption of street design for the Precinct.

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