Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Council meeting 15 December 2009

Tonight, the Council decision to cut down the Laman St trees was rescinded.

Here's what happened...

PROCEDURAL MOTION: (Councillor M Osborne)
Item 28 - Rescission motion - Laman Street trees, be the first item dealt with due to large public interest in the gallery.

The motion was put to the meeting and declared carried.


RESOLVED: (Councillors M Osborne)
Item 28 - Rescission motion - Laman Street trees, be the first item dealt with due to large public interest in the gallery.

MOTION: (Councillors N Nelmes/M Osborne)
The resolution of Item No. 28 of the Economy and Civic Assets and Governance Strategic Themes Committee of 17 November 2009 be rescinded.

Following discussion Councillor Osborne gave notice of a foreshadow motion as follows:

That Council form a community design panel using place making principles for the civic and cultural precinct of Laman Street.
To consider the arboricultural advice, the relevant resource and risk issues, and the full range of options available to Council and the community to address the future of these trees and make an appropriate recommendation to Council.

Following further discussion the motion was put to the meeting and the Lord Mayor called for a division which resulted as follows:

For the motion: Councillors A Buman, S Claydon, S Connell, T Crakanthorp, M Jackson, M King, N Nelmes and M Osborne.
Against the motion: The Lord Mayor, Councillors G Boyd, B Cook, B Luke and S Sharpe.

The motion was declared carried on the division of eight votes to five votes.

RESOLVED: (Councillors N Nelmes/M Osborne)
The resolution of Item No. 28 of the Economy and Civic Assets and Governance Strategic Themes Committee of 17 November 2009 be rescinded.

MOTION: (Councillors M Osborne/N Nelmes)
That Council form a community design panel using place making principles for the civic and cultural precinct of Laman Street.
To consider the arboricultural advice, the relevant resource and risk issues, and the full range of options available to Council and the community to address the future of these trees and make an appropriate recommendation to Council.

The Lord Mayor gave notice of a subsequent motion in respect to this matter with regard to safety issues.

MOTION: (The Lord Mayor)
The meeting conclude at 9.00pm.

The procedural motion was put to the meeting and declared defeated.

Councillor Boyd asked the mover and seconder if they would be prepared to include a date when the report should come back to Council.

Councillor Osborne indicated by 1 May 2010.

Councillor Connell asked Councillor Osborne if he would amend the motion to a community design 'process' instead of panel.

Councillor Osborne indicated he would accept the change.

The Lord Mayor wanted it noted that public safety was paramount in his decision.

The motion was put to the meeting and declared carried unanimously.

RESOLVED: (Councillors M Osborne/N Nelmes)
That Council form a community design process using place making principles for the civic and cultural precinct of Laman Street.
To consider the arboricultural advice, the relevant resource and risk issues, and the full range of options available to Council and the community to address the future of these trees and make an appropriate recommendation to Council.
Such report to come back to Council by 1 May 2010.

The Lord Mayor then moved his subsequent motion.
MOTION: (The Lord Mayor/Councillor B Luke)
The General Manager forthwith be given Councils full support to implement whatever safety measures are deemed necessary to ensure the public safety of the Laman Street precinct, apart from removing the trees.

Councillor Claydon asked the General Manager whether she already held such discretionary powers.
The General Manager advised that to a certain extent some things were within her jurisdiction while some elements were not.
Councillor Osborne asked the Lord Mayor if his motion could include the General Manager brought back a report to the Council outlining the risk mitigation strategy for Laman Street.

The Lord Mayor accepted Councillor Osborne's addendum and declared it Part B of the motion. He indicated it would therefore read as follows:

B. The General Manager report to Council by way of memo as information becomes available or as action is taken.

The motion was put to the meeting and declared carried unanimously.

RESOLVED: (The Lord Mayor/CouncillorB Luke)
A. The General Manager forthwith be given Councils full support to implement whatever safety measures are deemed necessary to ensure the safety the public safety of the Laman Street precinct, apart from removing the trees.
B. The General Manager report to Council by way of memo as information becomes available or as action is taken.

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