Thursday 25 June 2009

Council Meeting 25 June 2009 Part 3

Community Forums

What an incredible debate! It was clear that what is meant by "Place Management Committees" is different for different people. Councillors and the public have still not been given any information of the Place Management Committees. And Council has not adopted a Place Management Strategy.

What is clear (and on the record), however, is that the existing Community Forums will continue to meet up until a time when the Place Management Committees (whatever form they take!) were established in their respective locations.

Here's what happened...

5.4.3 (Consultation page12) Adopt amendments - option 1 & 2 - Option 2 to read as follows:

The existing Community Forums and Residents Groups remain in place with current levels of support, pending a report from the General Manager detailing the role, structure and composition of the proposed Place Management Committees and an assessment of their costs and options for future funding.

Following brief discussion the Lord Mayor sought clarification that the existing Community Forums would continue to meet up until a time when the Place Management Committees were established in their respective locations. He was of the opinion this was implied in the motion.

The General Manager confirmed that this was how she viewed the situation.

Discussion focused on wording with regard to the continued operation of the Community Forums and the two month transition period.

The General Manager proposed that with respect to Option 2 the words during which time existing consultation mechanisms would remain in place be included.

Councillor Cook indicated that he would accept the additional words from the General Manager into the motion.

Councillor Boyd preferred such words added to Parts B or C to make a definite statement.

In light of what had been discussed the Lord Mayor asked the mover and seconder of the amendment to reconsider their position.

Following further discussion Councillor Buman moved that the motion be put.

RESOLVED: (Councillor A Buman)
The motion "to put the motion" be put to the meeting.

The amendment from Councillors Claydon and Osborne and as enunciated by the General Manager was then put to the meeting and declared carried.

Councillor Buman then moved that the vote be recommitted and requested a five minute recess to determine a form of words as anomalies appeared in what Council was attempting to resolve.

RESOLVED: (Councillors A Buman)
The vote be recommitted.

RESOLVED: (Councillors A Buman)
Council call a five minute recess.

Council reconvened at 9.51pm.

The General Manager reported that Option 2 stated Recommendations b) and c) be adopted with the following change and the following change was that Place Committees be introduced within two months and the make up of the Committees was to be determined with existing Council consultation groups.

She further stated that for clarification the words during which time existing consultation mechanisms would remain in place had been added.

The General Manager confirmed that b) and c) were intended to stay in existence while Option 2 transitional arrangements occurred.

Councillors Claydon and Osborne indicated that they would withdraw the amendment.

The Lord Mayor reconfirmed that the motion from Councillors Cook and Boyd was before the Chair.

Councillors Cook and Boyd indicated that they had accepted the proposed wording from the General Manager into the motion.

The motion was put to the meeting and declared carried.

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