Monday 18 August 2008

Mayfield Community forum

A well-run meeting of candidates and the community was held at Mayfield on Monday night 18 August 2008.

The executive of the forum had compiled a number of questions for the candidates to answer.

1 Forums: How does the candidate view Community Forums (Mayfield in particular)?

2 Environment: How does the candidate propose to deal with environmental contamination in all its forms, e.g. noise, dust, visual, in suburbs like Mayfield that interface between residential and industrial.

3 Community health: There is considerable concern about developments such as the proposed expansion of Kentucky Fried Chicken in Mayfield East, and the reported forced acquisition of homes for a car park for a greatly enlarged restaurant. Bringing the 'obesity epidemic' into this question, should we continually support ventures such as this? How highly do you rate the ideas of local food production and urban greening as viable alternatives for a sustainable future?

4 Campaign finance: How is your campaign financed? In particular, is your Election Campaign financed developers or the liquor industry, whether directly or indirectly?

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